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The Light of Female Creation of the Golden Age

Sat, Sep 12



Das Weibliche Schöpfungslicht des Goldenen Zeitalters

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The Light of Female Creation of the Golden Age
The Light of Female Creation of the Golden Age

Time & Location

Sep 12, 2020, 10:00 AM – Dec 06, 2020, 6:00 PM

Amritabha, 79A Rue du 3 Décembre, 68150 Ribeauvillé, France


(English below)

Werde Eins mit dem weiblichen Schöpfungslicht der Goldenen Zeit.

Du gehörst zu den Botschaftern dieser neuen Schöpfungskraft im Zeitalter des Wassermanns.

In dem Moment, wo Du diesen Seminartitel gelesen hast und wo Du diese Worte liest, weisst Du, dass Du Dich schon vor langer Zeit dazu entschlossen hast, Botschafter dieses Schöpfungslichts zu sein.

Das bedeutet nicht nur, dass Du dieses Licht zu anderen bringst und dass es Deine Arbeit unterstützt – egal in welchem Bereich Du tätig bist, dass es Deine persönliche Entwicklung unterstützt. Es bedeutet vor allen Dingen, dass es ein Schlüssel ist, um noch tiefer einzusteigen in das, was Du bist und das, was Du Dir für dieses Leben vorgenommen hast.

Dieses Training führt Dich durch tiefgehende Einweihungen, um Eins zu werden mit einem der wichtigsten Schöpfungsaspekte des neuen Zeitalters.

Du wirst zu denjenigen gehören, die beginnen, dieses Licht in die Welt zu tragen. Das ist eine Qualität, die Dich kreativ, energetisch, gesundheitlich und auf Deinen Ebenen der Glückseligkeit positiv berührt und beflügelt.

Das Training findet in 2 Blöcken mit dazwischenliegender Integrationszeit statt:

1. Block: 12. - 16.9.2020

2. Block: 3.-6.12.2020

Seminarkosten: EUR 7'000

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Imagine you can change the world...

 Not by doing things, but by purely being yourself in a joyful flow with your unique qualities.

The ‚Light of Female Creation of the Golden Age’ empowers your inner sun so that you begin to shine with your own Gold.

 That complete new light quality – one of the most important creation aspects of the Golden Age – empowers you to create your life new. Throughout the training it is initiated and born from within you. You learn to see things in a new way, you experience a new kind of leadership and you will heal what hinders you to lead the truly fulfilled life you deserve.

 This light will not only support you in your personal and professional life but also will enable you to really become the creator of your life and by doing so changing the world from within.

This light is the missing link we‘ve been praying for. It‘s the bridge into the new world we will create with the power of this light.

By completing the training you become an Ambassador of the ‚Light of Female Creation of the Golden Age‘. It‘s what you have been preparing yourself for since many incarnations.

Whatever your profession is, this light sparks what‘s missing to really fulfill your life‘s mission.

 You feel it burning within you as soon as you read the title of the seminar.

The training will take place in Amritabha from September 12th until 16th, followed by an intense integration period of 3 months and a practise training from Dec. 3rd to 6th 2020, also in Amritabha.

The cost in total is EUR 7,000.

I am happy to guide you through deep and powerful initiations into the ‚Light of Female Creation of the Golden Age’ and help you to integrate it into your personal and professional life.

 With my core competencies 'Leadership' and 'Summertreats' I support you practising your creational power in your daily life.

I look forward seeing you rise and shine

 Hanna Spiritual Teacher and Leadership Coach (register via email or write for more information)

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