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Visit us
Meditation, consultation

Our daily group meditations are open to the public and free of charge (details below), as are our monthly Dhuni and Shakti Fires which you are warm-heartedly welcome to take part in. Find dates here.


To visit the house or join a meditation please contact the office via info@amritabha to make an appointment with a team member.


Outside the house you are invited anytime to come by and meditate in the Agni Temple or Temple of the Divine Mother as well as to enjoy the power of Amritabha.


Spiritual teacher and Amritabha founder Agni offers his Darshan, a blessing to encounter the divine, about four times a year. It is a public and free event, as well as blessings of other spiritual masters, lectures and satsangs that take place throughout the year.


We offer wholistic consultation and treatments. See more below.


Looking forward to see you.



Daily Meditations

Morning meditation
We greet the day at 7.30 am
(30 min).

Evening meditation
at 6 pm (15 minutes).

Please arrive at least five minutes before the start of the meditation. We would also be very happy to initiate you into our meditations to deepen your access to meditation.

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